Keep up to date with what is going on in the web industry with this digest of your top 100 frontend peers on twitter.
@zeldman said...
Steps for better performance: 1. Use native features whenever possible 2. Only include assets you actually need 3.……
@sazzy said...
Remembering an interesting conversation I had with @jensimmons this week. I suffer with motion sickness, a byproduc……
@davatron5000 said...
Thanks, @aneventapart! For those who weren't there, I launched a new open source project: 🚀……
@feather said...
Lesson from usability testing with people with disabilities: there's *always* something unexpected that happens dur……
@boagworld said...
After years of research, months of writing, more months of recording, more time editing, creating slides and prepar……
@ianfeather said...
We've opened a few roles in BuzzFeed's NY office for senior and staff FE engineers! If you're interested in the wor……
@zeldman said...
A 1s delay in page load can reduce conversions by 7%. Conversely, by shaving 7s off load, Edmunds increased page vi……
@zeldman said...
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines—for People Who Haven't Read Them, by Alan Dalton – cited by @soundslikesue to……
@zeldman said...
At @Airbnb, all the designers’ color swatches in Sketch include their WCAG 2.0 contrast ratio (because designers wa……
@zeldman said...
“If you work on the web in any capacity, accessibility is your job.” Laura Kalbag, *Accessibility For Everyone* cit……